Friday, July 9, 2010

A lot has happened in the last three weeks. I was going to the mailbox and slipped and fell on some mud. I twisted my leg and broke it in two or more places. My Femur and Tibia. This will take six weeks to heal and I am now using a brace that I can bend my leg.

In the meantime, Joe was thrown from my bike when he was going to put air in the tire. When he was coming back, the tire blew and threw him from the bike. He fractured his elbow in two places. Radial head fracture and coronoid fracture. He is now wearing a sling and is suppose to exercise his arm.

My next appointment is July 28Th. Gracie has been very good throughout of our accidents. We also have been getting dinners from Joe's work on Tuesday and Thursdays. That is very kind. Joe is back at work now but still helping getting around in the morning.

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